Mathematics 2024-25

Customized Professional Learning and Support

Don't see what you need listed here? Please contact Anney Fagan, Math Coordinator,, to discuss.  Professional learning is offered at no-cost to county schools and districts.

MBAMP COE Lambert Book Study (1).pdf

Book Study Including Dinner and Discussion with the Author! Rethinking Disability and Mathematics 

Audience: Educators serving students in K-8, with an open invitation to all

Groundbreaking research leading to innovative strategies fostering effective and rigorous environments in the area of mathematics. In this series we will build community, engage in meaningful conversations, apply and reflect. Gatherings can be virtual, in person, or a combination of both.

All sessions are free of charge and a book will be provided to you. 

Choice of in person or virtual, 4:30-5:30, on 

Register Here



Little People, Big Thinkers from our Friends at the Monterey Bay Area Math Project, MBAMP 

Audience: Early Childhood Educators 

Join local expert educators to build your knowledge and understanding around young children's mathematical ideas, focus on how to leverage children's thinking in early math around the big ideas that are important to them, and explore hands-on activities and resources available within your classroom or online. 

Two Saturdays from 9:30-12:00 at Gault Elementary School

Register Here

Math Teachers' Circle Series from our Friends at the Monterey Bay Area Math Project, MBAMP

Math Teachers' Circles are a space where math teachers, math enthusiasts, and professional mathematicians come together to develop community, engage, and explore interesting mathematical topics. 

Tuesday sessions 6:00-7:30 pm in the COE Board Room, 400 Encinal Street in Santa Cruz. If there is participants from South County, we can hold sessions in Watsonville also. 

Please check Math Teachers' Circle Website for updates/ topics

58th Annual Math Contest Saturday May 3 ~ Save the Date!

Saturday, May 3, 2025 from 8:45-11:00 at Aptos High School

Who Can Participate?

What are the two main components of the Math Contest?

How will students register?

Participating schools will appoint a Lead Teacher who will handle school registrations. This will occur in April, 2025. For now, save the date.

For more information, and for sample tests, please see the COE Math Contest web page. 


For more information, or for support tailored to your district, school, department, grade-level team, or classroom, please contact Anney Fagan, Math Coordinator,